Monday, September 12, 2011

Custom formula/function using VBA

Excel has lots of built-in functions which covers the requirements of almost all the standard calculations. However, these built-in functions are not sufficient. Many a times we come to a situation where we want to do some calculations which are not offered by excel built-in function.

Here I will show you how to create a custom function using VBA.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Enable Developer tab in Excel 2007

Developer tab is used for accessing macro/VBA related options and to add activeX controls like combo box, Command Buttons, Check Boxes etc into your file.

Followings are the steps to enable Developer ribbon

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Simple method to make Pivot table

Pivot table is a very powerful and helpful tool available in excel for data processing. It helps in summarizing large amount of data with ease. It can be used to derive sum, averages, count from the data stored in a spreadsheet in various combination.  For e.g. geography / product wise total sales revenue or Department/location wise headcount etc.